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- Ad Campaign histories 

Un site très utile pour faire travailler les étudiants en autonomie dans vos cours, ou dans le cadre d'un TPE.
Discover the history of some of the most famous ad campaign in the US. Very useful from a cultural point of view: you find some of the slogans which are familiar to most Americans, such as Smokey Bear's "Only You can Prevent Forest Fires" and "Friends Don't Let Friends Drive Drunk".
You can also use those ads ( posters in .pdf and videos) inside a thematic unit. Some of their themes are:
- Drunk Driving Prevention
- Seat Belt Education
- Crime Prevention ( with McGruff the Crime Dog)
- Child Abuse Prevention
- Pollution: Keep America Beautiful ( with native American Iron Eyes Cody)
- AIDS Prevention
- Domestic Violence
- I am an American ( to unite the nation after September 11th)


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